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    養殖場(chǎng)交鑰匙工程Farm Turnkey Project

    上海德牧裝備科技有限公司Shanghai DEMU Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd
    廣東德興食品股份下屬公司 a Guangdong DEXING Subsidiary
    公司結合廣東德興20年高效養殖經(jīng)驗,大創(chuàng )精密成熟的自動(dòng)化設備團隊,消化融合國際先進(jìn)的養殖理念。

    Efficient Process,Workforce & Land Utilization Effective Quarantine Short Construction Time

    To provide mid-to-high-end turnkey solution for domestic l ivestock farms.The total package includes farm designand planning,procurement,construction bui lding,project management and training.

    With Guangdong DEXING’s 20 years of highly efficient breeding experience Innovation Hi-tech’s sophisticated automation team, Shanghai DEMU integrates the international advanced farming technology to its solution to arrive at:

    • Uti lizing intel ligent automation
    • Reducing the overal l cost  
    • Enhancing animal welfare

    Overall,Shanghai DEMU will help the cl ients increase the farm economic benefits.So as to further promote healthy and sustainable development in the industry.